Sunday, February 14, 2010

Art for sale...Anyone?

Everyone bear with me as I get used to blogging. I have discovered this amazing new world of free backgrounds, layouts, fonts, and many other free features that personalize your blog. And why not? I mean there are so many out there that you have to make yours stand out or it will just get lost in the shuffle. So, I am still playing with backgrounds and pictures and probably will for a while, so don't be suprised if the look of the blog keeps changing.

I think that it is ironic that they are flying in snow for the opening weekend of the Vancover Olympics, but a majority of the state of Georgia gets covered in several inches of the stuff the same weekend. Guess you can never be guaranteed that the weather will participate with your plans. I found though that the snow provided some awesome opportunities for snowball fights, the creation of snowmen and the chance to continue practicing my photography skills or lack there of. I have this secret desire to not only be trendy, like Gina and Leah (2 of my favorite people) but also to be able to take really cool pictures, like Kathryn and Heather (2 more pretty amazing people). SO, here are a few pictures for you viewing pleasure...

Yes, those are pictures of my engagement ring in the snow, but don't worry, Kirk drove up in the middle of me hanging it from a frozen tree branch so that I could take a picture of it. It then became his job to make sure that it didn't fall and get lost in the snow covered bushes underneath the tree. I am happy to report that the ring is still intact and currently on my finger.

Now, I promised that this blog would be about my artwork and I will make good on that promise. Below is a picture of not one, but TWO pieces of art that are actually for sale on That's right, I am now a store owner on etsy! Just search for Pure Devotion Studios at and you will find all the art that I currently have for sale. You can also contact me either through this blog or the etsy store if you are interested in doing a custom order. If you see a piece that you like, but would prefer different colors or a different size, please let me know and I would be more that happy to paint something according to your specifications.

Both of these paintings are oil on canvas and I am not exactly sure the stories behind them except that I was learning how to use oil paints and these are what came out. A little anti-climactic I know...but if I were to attach a description, I would simply quote two verses out of Isaiah. For the one on the left, Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you" and for the one on the right, Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint."
Check it out on!!

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